Claim Statistics

As of June 30, 2024
Total No. of Claims Validations  87,336
 Ave. No. of Claims Per Month 14,556
Ave. No. of Claims Per Day 485
Ave. No. of Claims Per PO 919
Ave. No. of Claims Per PO Staff (per Month) 30
Ave. No. of Claims Per CP & CO (per Month) 119
8-24 Hour Strategy Target on Claims Settlement (Member) 97.24%
8-24 Hour Strategy Target on Claims Settlement (Dependents) 97.49%

Top 10 Causes of Death

1 Heart-Related 35.75%
2 Cancer 8.73%
3 Pneumonia/ Suspected COVID 6.41%
4 Diabetes 6.40%
5 Renal Failure/ Disease 5.84%
6 Accident 3.89%
7 Pulmonary Disease 2.79%
8 Respiratory Failure 2.56%
9 Tuberculosis 2.19%
10 Fetal Death 1.31%