Abundia Manabes



My life before CARD was just getting by day by day, struggling to make both ends meet. When I became a member of CARD, my life changed for the better. Had it not only improved the state of my business, it had also given me the responsibility to become CARD MBA’s Vice President of the Board of Trustees in 2014 and the CARD MBA President in 2015. Through the institution, I am able to share with others the blessings that I am enjoying.

I am able to help not only my family but my distant relatives as well by sending them to school. CARD taught me how to manage my money wisely. I imparted that lesson to my grandkids– teaching them the importance of saving. And today, I am now one of importance of saving. And today, I am now one of the many stockholders of CARD Bank, Inc.

Abundia Manabes